
Dissociative drugs belong to the class of anesthetics, which are also called “dissociative anesthetics”, since initially the purpose of their elimination was exclusively medical. The meaning of the name of drugs “dissociatives” is that these drugs disrupt and unbalance the elements of the mind, break the connections between neuroreceptors. Memory, perception, consciousness and motor activityRead More


Description of the active substance Diazepam. Formula: C16H13ClN2O, chemical name: 7-Chloro-1,3-dihydro-1-methyl-5-phenyl-2H-1,4-benzodiazepine-2-one. Pharmacological group: neurotropic agents, antiepileptic agents; agents affecting neuromuscular transmission; anxiolytics, benzodiazepine derivative. Pharmacological action: anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, central muscle relaxant, sedative, hypnotic. Pharmacological properties Diazepam acts on specific benzodiazepine receptors, which are located in postsynaptic GABA-receptor complexes in the thalamus, limbic system, hypothalamus, insertionRead More


LSD is a semi-synthetic psychoactive substance from the tryptamine family. LSD can be considered the most famous psychedelic, used or used as a recreational drug, an entheogen, as well as as a tool in various transcendental practices such as meditation, psychonautics, or illegal (but legal in the past) psychedelic psychotherapy. LSD is synthesized from lysergicRead More


Pharmacological properties Benzodiazepines work in the body by increasing the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain and reducing neuronal excitability. This reduces the interaction between neurons, which manifests itself in a calming effect on many brain functions. Some of the drugs are half removed from the body within half a day, while others haveRead More


The substance consists of eighteen carbon atoms, twenty-one hydrogen atoms, one nitrogen atom, and four oxygen atoms (C18H21NO4). Nomenclature Tilox, Oxi 80, OxyContin, Percotset, Oxicotton, Percodon, Roxicodon, Roxitset. Name according to IUPAC: (5R,9R,13S,14S)-14-гидрокси-3-метокси-17-метил-4,5-epoxymorphinan-6-он. Form of production Intramuscular injections, medication in the form of capsules, tablets, solution for intravenous manipulation. History of the substance The firstRead More


Description of the drug tramadol, is it a narcotic substance or is it safer as a medical perparate? Is there an opioid dependence on tramadol? What is the opioid potency of the drug tramadol? We will try to present all these answers in this article. Tramadol is a drug that is sold in a pharmacyRead More

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