
4-methylaminorex is a chemical compound derived from aminorex. It has a structural similarity with amphetamines. It produces a psychostimulating effect and is used as a drug. It can cause a dangerous irreversible complication — pulmonary hypertension.
4-methylaminorex can exist in the form of four isomers: cis-4R,5S, cis-4S,5R, trans-4S,5S, trans-4R,5R.
Mechanism of action
4-methylaminorex increases the release of dopamine and serotonin in the nucleus accumbens. The activity of different isomers is different:
stimulation of dopamine release: trans-4S,5S > cis-4S,5R ≈ cis-4R,5S > trans-4R,5R,
stimulation of serotonin release: cis-4S,5R > trans-4S,5S ≈ cis-4R,5S > trans-4R,5R.
Dosage and duration
According to Erowid, the oral light dosage of 4-methylaminorex is 5-10 mg, the average dosage is 10-25 mg. The duration of the action is 10-16 hours.

The average intranasal dosage is 10-20 mg with an earlier onset of action (20-40 minutes). Duration 5-10 hours.
LD50 — 17 mg/kg for mice.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
The category of action on the fetus according to the FDA — D.