Synthetic Cathinones

Synthetic Cathinones

Structurally, synthetic cathinones are beta-ketophenitylamines similar to amphetamines/catecholamines, with minor structural changes that alter chemical properties, effects, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics.

The popularity of synthetic cathinones among consumers is due to the small amount of “pure cocaine” on the shadow market, its cost, as well as legal problems associated with the use and purchase of cocaine. An important role in the prevalence of synthetic cathinones was played by restrictive measures introduced in many countries with respect to 3,4-methylene-dioxyamphetamine (MDMA, “ecstasy”).

Synthetic Cathinones
Synthetic Cathinones

As a rule, synthetic cathinones are used either orally or in the form of injections. Smoking has not become widespread due to the fact that the narcotic substance decomposes rapidly at high temperatures. For mephedrone (refers to synthetic cathinones), the half-life is about an hour, which increases the risk of overdose.
Similar substances

The reduction of the ephedrine molecule leads to the formation of pervitin (methamphetamine), and its oxidation gives the β-keto derivative of methamphetamine – ephedron (methcathinone). The first and only known “designer” products were methadron (4-methylmethcathinone; 4-MMC) and methylenedioxypyrovaleron (MDPV).

Synthetic cathinones are chronologically divided into cathinones of the first and second generation. The first-generation cathinones, in particular, include meedron, MDPV, methilon, nahiron, eledron, methedron and butylone. Second–generation cathinones include pentylone, pentedrone, 4-MEK, 4-MePPP, α-PVP, etc.

Any of the synthetic cathinones has an effect on the production of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. All synthetic cathinones have sympathomimetic activity, which ultimately leads to amphetamine-like effects in the body.

The psychoactive effects of synthetic cathinones on the body include:

Increased concentration, transient, acute paranoid reactions, euphoria, the development of delirious states, hallucinatory disorders (more often verbal), agitation, motor arousal.

Somatic manifestations of intoxication:

Cardiac disorders, pupil dilation, pain in the epigastric region, hyperemia of the skin, hyperhidrosis, chills. Affective disorders and psychotic disorders of a paranoid structure are observed more often in consumers whose experience of use is more than one year. Also, in people who use mephedrone for a long time, cases of malignant hyperthermia, rhabdomyolysis, renal insufficiency, epileptiform seizures occur as somatic complications.

Deaths from the use of synthetic cathinones are mainly described in users of mephedrone, methylene and butylene. Most consumers of synthetic cathinones have an increase in tolerance, the development of mental dependence, and withdrawal syndrome.

Studies conducted in chronic methcathinone users who are in a state of withdrawal using positron emission tomography show a decrease in striatum density, which affects dopamine production, and in the long term can cause severe neurological and mental disorders.

According to open source statistics, out of 12 people hospitalized in a state of acute intoxication after using synthetic cathinones (pyrovaleron was detected during laboratory testing), the structure of psychotic disorders was distributed as follows: in two patients – acute verbal hallucinosis (16.67%), in 4 cases – depressive paranoid syndrome (33.33%), three cases-acute paranoia syndrome clinic (25%), and manic-hallucinatory syndrome was observed in three patients (25%).

Synthetic Cathinones
Synthetic Cathinones

The effects of cathinones on humans can be divided into pleasant, neutral and unpleasant.
The pleasant effects are reduced to:

mood improvement,
a sense of intimacy / empathy,
increased sociability and sociability.

Neutral effects :

decreased appetite,
unpleasant sensations in the body (redness of the face, chills, tingling of the skin),
changes in the regulation of body temperature and sweating,
increased heart rate and
increased blood pressure.

Unpleasant effects:

Occur more frequently and intensively with increasing dose.

a strong desire to take new doses due to the urgent need to repeat the original
a euphoric wave,
unpleasant changes in body temperature (sweating / chills),
very fast heartbeat,
violation of short-term memory,
jaw muscle spasm, bruxism
moderate muscle cramps,
rapid involuntary eye movements,
severe peripheral vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels),
pain, swelling and bleeding from the nose and throat,
sinusitis .

2 thoughts on “Synthetic Cathinones

  1. Hi there I am looking for the best cocaine substitute and would like some advice as to how it is used as i’ve seen it says several times stronger than actual cocaine. If this is the case do i need to dilute it with a mixing agent for safe use??

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