

Description of the drug tramadol, is it a narcotic substance or is it safer as a medical perparate? Is there an opioid dependence on tramadol? What is the opioid potency of the drug tramadol? We will try to present all these answers in this article.


Tramadol is a drug that is sold in a pharmacy and is used for addicted addicts as an opiate. Drug addicts love him for the feeling of euphoria, relaxation and detachment. The substance quickly causes persistent dependence and destroys vital body systems.
What is Tramadol?

This is a synthetic opioid substance that was created artificially.

Tramadol binds to opioid receptors in the brain. These receptors are mainly responsible for reducing pain. After use, a person begins to depress the respiratory center, the drug has a relaxing and antidepressant effect on the central nervous system. The drug affects the receptors quite strongly. In the world of drugs, there are stronger opiates that have a more serious effect on the body these are Morphine, Codeine and Heroin.


Tramadol use in medicine

Tramadol is a pharmacy drug that was originally synthesized by a German pharmacist in 1962. The sale of the drug in pharmacies has become a new round in the life of a pharmaceutical company. Since this drug was prescribed, most often, as an analgesic, and not only in Germany, but also all over the world. The drug Tramadol

it is often used at the moment when a person has acute and chronic diseases. It is often used in the period after surgery or to minimize the suffering of cancer patients.
The drug Tramadol action and effect

Tramadol tablets have also gained fame as a psychotropic substance. For this reason, the latest UN World Report on Narcotic Substances indicates the presence of a terrible global epidemic. In our country, the amount of confiscated drug smuggling exceeds 100 kilograms per year. New cases of Tramadol drug smuggling are constantly regularly flashing in the news media feeds. A special danger from the spread of pills is happening now in African countries. There the drug is distributed even without minimal restrictions. And they start using it as a drug from school years. This happens because the drug is easy to use (it is in the form of pills), but at the same time it has the strongest psychotropic effects:

Euphoria occurs almost immediately after use, and lasts more than a day. But the longer dependence on the drug develops, the less time a person experiences this happy and exciting state.

Empathy and emotional sensitivity. The work of a psychotropic substance is similar to the action of the empathogen Ecstasy. The addict has an increased tendency to empathy, the need to help others and a favorable attitude towards people nearby. A person also feels such emotions towards those with whom he had a bad relationship before and towards those with whom he was serious enemies.

A feeling of cheerfulness. This drug will have the effect of vivacity and tone. If you compare it with other opiates, which have a relaxing and calming effect. Pharmacy drug has a state of fullness of energy.

Confidence and looseness. Under the influence of the drug, a person begins to liberate himself and his self-esteem grows at a very fast pace. A person “under the substance” will be happy to talk to people around him, easily make new acquaintances.


Dependence on Tramadol – development and signs

In order to figure out whether Tramadol is a drug or not, you need to know only one thing, that after consuming just one dose of a narcotic substance, a person will want to repeat it. To do this, the addict just needs to eat an extra dose. After that, the addiction progresses rapidly and it is accompanied by serious consequences. And the period of withdrawal is manifested by terrible side effects:

The first day. After the end of the narcotic effect, a person is tormented by terrible dreams, he feels tired and a sense of insatiability, experiences fear of loneliness. During this period, psychological dependence begins, when a drug addict needs to use a new dose to get rid of a state of panic and discomfort.
After 7 days, the addict experiences auditory and visual hallucinations, talks to non-existent people, animals, characters from films and books. With all this, hallucinations manifest themselves as an interesting, new experience. Because of this, the development of physiological dependence begins.
After 30 days, psychological dependence becomes more stable, and without pills, the addict experiences apathy, anger, dislike of life, panic attacks and other psychological attacks. Physiological signs begin in which the addict does not want to eat, he is thirsty and suffers from constipation. This is because opioids disrupt the digestive tract.
After 90 days, early syndromes also manifest themselves and at the same time seriously intensify, but new ones are also added. This is a frequent change of mood, crying, regular migraines, high blood pressure, chills. The influence of a psychotropic substance affects the brain – serious problems begin with remembering ordinary things and concentrating attention.
At this stage, a person can no longer cope with addiction without outside help. Withdrawal after using Tramadol lasts about a month and proceeds with bouts of paranoia, hallucinations, tachycardia and is accompanied by serious headaches.
365 days of using tramadol, which is a drug, do not pass without serious problems and consequences. Bones and joints are destroyed. They become weak and at the same time the risk of injury increases. Teeth crumble and bite deteriorates. The constant use of opiate increases the load on the liver, the development of diseases up to cirrhosis begins. Decreased immunity manifests itself in such a way that wounds heal longer, the risk of viral and infectious diseases increases. Heart and vascular diseases begin. Exposure to the heart and frequent intravenous administration of the drug develops serious heart failure and vascular inflammation. Serious mental problems also occur. Regular use causes paranoid seizures, hallucinations, serious depression and thoughts of suicide.

Signs of addiction

The narrow diameter of the pupils, which do not expand in the light.
Strong weight loss – the medicine reduces appetite.
Severe itching occurs because the drug usually causes terrible allergies, scabies and itching on the skin.
Braking condition. The addict often looks sleepy, tired and unassembled, moves slowly and speaks.

Consequences of Tramadol abuse

Tramadol differs from most drugs in that it is not used as a powder, and the drug is most often presented as pharmacological contraband. That is why few people may be in a state of overdose due to the low quality of the drug is unlikely. The risk is mainly those drug addicts who drink several pills in a row at once and cannot control the dosage. Most often, people who mix Tramadol with other substances die:

When mixed with alcohol, epilepsy, seizures and death from lack of air can begin.
Sleeping pills together with Tramadol can depress the respiratory center of the brain, and sedatives and sleeping pills enhance this effect and can lead to suffocation.
The combined use of Tramadol with pills for depression causes nausea, vomiting, hallucinations and problems with the central nervous system.

Treatment of dependence on Tramadol

Tramadol is a serious and powerful drug. With the rapid development of addiction, long-term withdrawal syndrome and serious psychological dependence. It is for this reason that independent treatment of addiction is impossible. A drug addict needs professional medical, psychological and social adaptation in a closed hospital.

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